Mission Thread Analysis to
Connect Requirements with Reality
Avoid Budget Overruns and Increase Impact by knowing what the warfighter actually needs
We investigate how your user really operates.
Translate real world User Needs into Useful Metrics
So you can flawlessly execute your USG DoD programs.
Gather Doctrine and Tribal Knowledge
Move expertise from Personnel to Paper
Research Technical Manuals, TTPs, and Mission Plans to define the user tasks.
Interview SMEs to Map each piece of data and equipment used
Turn tribal knowledge into actionable intel so you are not missing anything.
Perform User Task Analysis
Link each Task, Player, and User to a Sub Mission. Measure the Impact of Stressors on people, Equipment, and data. Measure how hard each task is, and if your teams can do more. Prepare the ground for Automation, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
Create Mission Baselines
Link all Sub Missions and tasks into a realistic war gamming scenario. Use this "Golden Mission" to
1) Validate Requirements
2) Inform conceptual designs
3) Align Testing efforts
4) Expose Gaps & Opportunities
Vet and Validate Requirements
Reduce Requirements, Churn Scope Growth, and Cost overruns by linking each requirement to actual events in the Golden Mission.
Articulate why each Requirement makes an impact to the Warfighter
Mission Effectiveness Quantification (MEQ) Analysis
Scope Churn
Cost & Schedule Overruns
Operational Impact
How did your last three programs go?
Like us, you are a committed professional. You know what the Next War is going to be. You know why we have to win. You are schooled in your mission, program management, and strategy.
You are undoubtedly "Doing Things Right"
but that's not enough.
Success does not come from Efficiency
Success comes from Effectiveness
And Effectiveness comes from clarity of purpose
You need to use more than just SME opinion to guide you.
You need a system to ensure you are "Doing the Right Things".
​MEQ is that system. It makes sure you are "Doing the Right Things."
At Barksdale Rutherford, we know that if we help clarify and measure your mission, you will get it done right, and the warfighter will be ready when the wolf comes knocking at our communal door.
Kill-Chain Accountanting
Simply put, MEQ is a Mission Kill-Chain accountant.
MEQ allows you to quantify the affects of the little things on the big picture. By tracking and relating the detailed interactions that execute the mission, you will be able to make fact based Cost-Benefit tradeoffs and keep program dollars focused on only improvements that matter.
The warfighter may be sending lead down range, but we are in charge of shepherding the dollars that ensure his systems are always there to fight along side hm.
Comprehensive and Systematic
Successful programs are based on sound requirements. Sound requirements need strategic development
Ask yourself:
Am I asking for what I really need?
Did I miss anything?
Does is really matter to the warfighter?
Failure to ask these questions before your start will only lead to Overruns and Churn.
Combined Approach
BR's proprietary MEQ analysis measures the probability of Mission Success by combining your warfighter's TTPs, Equipment, Human Factors, Con-Ops, Theater Partners, and Threat Matrices.
The Next War will be even more interconnected. MEQ ensures we are keeping the big picture in focus as we dial in the details.
Gaps and Opporotunities
By tracking each workflow, and placing those interactions on a real-world- representative "Golden Mission", every requirement becomes accountable to the warfighter.
MEQ makes it easy to identify exactly "When", "Where" and "How" each requirement contributes to Mission success.
Human Machine Interface
Battle effectiveness is based on the speed of converting verified Data into Action.
MEQ provides a way to pause the time line, and begin to identify and manage the data flow so our troops aren't overloaded and missing critical messages.
The Next War will execute Kill-chains in a fraction of the time it currently takes. This rate of warfare, will only increase the chances and cost of missing critical data.
Force Multipliers
MEQ provides a path forward in strategically assessing the effectiveness of our warfighters, and identifying the force multipliers that will support, augment, and offload them; Thus creating a warfighter who can do far more with far less.
How are you prioritizing which technologies, TTPS, and Software need to be developed first? MEQ can help
Effectiveness Today
Preparation for Tomorrow
The Next War will be with a Peer Adversary. Competition will no longer be one-sided. The winner will be the team who can close the Kill-Chain the fastest. Big Data, Open Mission Systems, Machine Learning, and Artificial intelligence will certainly play their parts in that interconnected battle space, but we need to be ready when those tools come.
How will the OMS equipment communicate with Partners?
How should Machine Learning parse the Big Data?
What tasks will AI take over?
How will Humans respond to a 100X increase to the data flow and battlefield pace?
These are Big Questions that only MEQ is structured to answer. We must move past Subject Matter Expert opinion, and start asking the experts to quantify Where and How where the Golden Mission needs to improve.
MEQ is the key to prioritizing projects dollars while we discover the best ways to close the Kill Chain.
MEQ Combines Tasks, Networks, Equipment, and Human Factors to determine Mission Success
Players and Roles
The Human Element of any mission can't be over looked. Physical and Cognitive stressors will degrade performance and delay Actions
MEQ is the first tool to related human degradation models with TTPs, Equipment, & Mission Events
Actions and Data
Critical Actions
are executed by Players, Authorized by Command
and Supported by Data
MEQ Measures the Speed and Robustness of Action and Data Paths
Equipment and Networks
Processors and Networks elements pass or process data. They are vulnerable to attack and degrade under high use.
MEQ tracks Equipment and network degerdation
Tracking & Prosecution
Lethal force as well as sensors must be used to execute missions.
MEQ identifies the shortest path to an appropriate response in a Interconnected Battle Space.
Environment & Threats
The environment is everchanging with terrain, weather, threats, and friendly forces.
MEQ measures the impact of adverse conditions on the mission and Players.
Are you ready to see how your warfighter is affected by the Programs you run?
The Mission interactions are complicated, but ultimately understandable.
BR's MEQ system gives you simple visualizations to understand and improve the Missions flow.
Slow down and speed up time
Watch the Data and actions flow from one Unit to the Next.
See and feel the Choke Points
Visualize Cost Benefit relationships
Justify and refine Requirements
Identify ways to shorten critical tasks.
Prepare to win the future battle space